Young Nightmare

Smoke rose in pillars from the field

Fires blasted the soldiers with heat

Sweat dripped down their brows already

Gunfire was heard in the distance

as were the pained screams of dying men

The smell of copper field the air

before the stench of burning flesh joined it

Time dragged for the victims of battle

Commanding shouts led men to fight

Swords clashed and dirks appeared

hoping to kill before another shot fired


The mix of sounds left the young boy horrified

He gagged as he struggled to find his commander

The faces of friend and foe both fierce and unwelcoming

Clutching the dagger to his heart

his feet stuck in the bog

He fell, left to crawl amongst the bodies

and pray not to be trampled


His eyes met the fear filled gaze of an enemy warrior

A gunshot echoed above them and he screamed

sinking the black blade into the other man’s heart

His hands shook, leaving it embedded

And he rose


The commander found him as the others retreated

Paralyzed, he was lifted onto the steed

He’d never felt so tired

It clung to his limbs like wet clothing,

pulling, pulling, pulling

until he sunk beneath its surface

The panted breaths of the horse were all he heard.


VSSPoem, Week 4

September 30th

A family gene

that jumped over her
She couldn’t

Not with a filthy mouth

or dirty mind

Honesty in every word
She couldn’t

Not with a fearful heart

or dark soul

Her pain wishing to spill
Her family


Friends from foe


But not her.


October 1st

My #identity is pasted on plastic cards

With a name

My height

My birth date

My address

But I am more

than a shitty picture

and basic details.


I have a voice

A face under my mask


Paper and Plastic

don’t define me.


October 2nd

#Trust is another thing

that rusts.

Breaks like a chain.

Nobody’s mistake.


October 3rd

This sword is sharp

Meant to cut

Render flesh

Into ribbons

Draw blood

With a jab


It’s thin

Like my #patience

Worn down

By quick words

And quicker stabs


Perhaps it’s best

I wield a wooden weapon


At least

Until I’ve proven

My #patience is stronger

My lips sealed


October 4th

Like a sun inside

The light fades

And #dims to darkness

Hides behind frowns

Forgets how

To even smile

She tries to rekindle

Reignite the flame

But the wick remains


The lighter flashes

To life yet drains away

And she remains


VSSPoems, Week 3

September 21st

Everything decays

Rots away

To become #ruins



As it dies

Living relics



For the masses

Til its gone


The tragedy

And mystery

Of life



September 23rd

Tears wash the soul

Nourish the heart

Cleanse the dark

Like the #rain

We danced in

As children


And naive

Life’s burdens

Yet on our shoulders


September 24th

I wish to #stitch

a stunning mask

to confound

and astonish


I wish to #stitch

a matching cloak

to keep secrets

and mystify


I wish to #stitch

a wonderful lie

to become my life

and satisfy


September 25th

Darkness was always there

Filling the air

in thick, rolling clouds.

The thunder was loud

after the flashes of lightning.

You would have thought it blinding

except it was familiar

even the shivers

it sent down your spine.

It was divine.

It was #Castlevania.


September 26th

My #luggage seems light


I hide it away

Screaming internally

Can’t let them see

I’m vulnerable



Fighting my demons


What else is there to do?

My burdens are mine

Guilt is there

If I share

And so I lock them up

And battle myself.


September 27th

The waters still

Shimmer and shine

Beneath pale moon light

Her face is reflected

Ivory skin

Speckled by sunlight

Green eyes blossom

Like new buds

On a growing tree

Nature’s #mirror Is friendlier

Than a stranger’s gaze

She welcomes the image

Strong and powerful

You Idiot

You Idiot

How is it you can’t see

What’s in front of your face?


You Idiot

You think your words or lack of

don’t hurt me?


You Idiot

Think again about what you’re doing.

It speaks loud and clear


You Idiot

Take stock of yourself and improve

Or lose those who’d help you.


You Idiot

Look in the mirror for worth

Inside you and around you.



It Consumes (An Ottava rima Poem)

Fire and brimstone in her fury filled gaze

Burning her enemies, forever scarred.

She dances around the ashes and blaze,

A wicked smile bears teeth, her face unmarred.

Death abounds, surrounds, holds her in its maze.

A game she thought to play, leaves her in shards.

For Wrath creates victims, ripping out hearts.

Lives left damaged, long after it departs.

A Sad Face Pt. 2

I managed to finish off that face I started days (week?) ago, and I am… alright with the end result.


I added that second eye and eyebrow. Added a bit more definition, and voila! A piece I am keeping for learner’s sake only.

My art teachers in high school absolutely hated it when we smudged. It is messy, and where I made the most mistakes, too.

Smudging is essentially using the natural oils your hands secretes to blur or rub the pencil around. (It works best with the B series of pencils, I have found).

However it means the pencil grays your hand, and when you touch the piece, you must be careful. Otherwise, you end up with errors like the smudge in the hair, or on the neck. It is also difficult to erase. All of which I remember from high school art class, and chose to do anyway, because I got impatient.

May have to pick up some of those ‘Teach Yourself’ books to get a better grip on shading outside of smudging.

I do love smudging. It will always have its place, but I definitely need to get away from it.

Also need to practice proportions and placement. My eyebrows definitely don’t line up, and I am unsure if my eyes do, because of placement.

At least I tried, right?

P.S. I welcome ANY tips, or practical videos on the subject. As much as I try to overcome my perfectionist side of myself, it does win on occasion.

A Sad Face

For the past few days, I have been obsessed with drawing a pair of interesting eyes, and the other day I toyed around a bit. I love my eye (minus the eyelashes), and I gave it a home on a female face. Lips, nose, hair, the lot.

Now it isn’t finished. I am probably going to keep playing around with it, maybe add colour. Ultimately I don’t know exactly what its final form will be, but I know I will enjoy getting it there.


I am sure my proportions are off, but I’m trying. That’s gotta count for something, right?

Along side this, I am trying to figure out a logo for my blog, which I am thinking will include water colours.

Still writing though I need to grow in that arena, somehow. Take a step back from poems, and try a short story? Or something. We’ll see where my mind takes me.

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. ~ J. K. Rowling


P.S. While I am still reading A Game of Thrones, I have picked up a self-help book (yeah, I know) called The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. Andrew said I needed it, and I guess we’ll see if he’s right.


Oh dearest friend of mine,
Use this stick and draw line,
Stand there til the dawn of time.

And when bright light shows its face,
You may then leave this place,
Yet find that all has been erased.

I charge you now, to start again,
To write the stars that now defend,
What broken will be made to mend.

When the end returns once more,
And destroys the earth back to the core,
We’ll heal what is now left sore.